Courses Overview

Core Courses (60 ECTS)

Advanced Macroeconomics; Advanced Microeconomics; Macroeconomic Analysis; Public Economy and Public Choice; Behavioral Economics and Public Policy; Law and Economics; Financial Markets and Monetary Policy; Monetary Policy and Business Cycle; Transformation Processes in Economy; International Trade, Theory and Policy; Applied Quantitative Methods II, Europe in International Political and Economic Relations (1914-2015)

Elective Courses (12 ECTS)

Minor Specialization (30 ECTS)

Final state exams and master’s thesis (18 ECTS) 




TOTAL CODE COURSE Specification of Term and reccommended year (WT – Winter Term, ST – Summer Term)
CORE COURSES 6 5EN853 Advanced Macroeconomics ST / 2
(hP) 6 5IE857 Advanced Microeconomics WT / 2
6 5EN857 Applied Quantitative Methods II. WT / 1
60 ECTS 4 5EN856 Behavioral Economics and Public Policy WT / 1
4 5HD868 Europe in International Political and Economic Relations (1914-2015) WT / 1
4 5HP852 Financial Markets and Monetary Policy WT + ST
4 5IE870 International Trade, Theory and Policy WT or ST
6 5EN852 Law and Economics ST / 1
6 5HP851 Macroeconomic Analysis ST / 1
4 5HP857 Monetary Policy and Business Cycle WT / 1
6 5EN854 Public Economy and Public Choice WT or ST
4 5HP855 Transformation Processes in Economy WT / 1
ELECTIVE COURSES (hV) 3 5HD450 Chapters in History of the Cold War WT
4 5HP711 Economics and Management of Natural Resources WT
3 5HP381 Chapters in Economic Policy ST / 1
12 ECTS 3 5EN381 Chapters in Economics extra-sem: watch the information on the website, planned during WT 22/23
4 5IE563 Economics and Gender temporarily not taught
6 5IE458 Game Theory and Auctions WS / 2
FINAL STATE EXAMS 3 Minor Field Comprehensive Exam
3 EKS80 State Exam in Economics
12 ECTS 6 EP101 Major Field State Exam
MASTER‘S THESIS 6 EP000 Master’s Thesis Defense